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Headache Treatment In Branson, MO

If you or someone you love suffers from headaches, you understand the devastating effects it can have. It can impact many aspects of your life, including emotional and relational health. An estimated 40% of the world’s population suffers from headaches. In fact, the World Health Organization says it’s one of the most common disorders of the nervous system and the third leading cause of disability among neurological disorders, only behind stroke and dementia.

There are many types of headaches, including migraines, cluster headaches, hormonal headaches, tension headaches, and the list goes on. However, it’s crucial to avoid getting caught up in the types or names of headaches. Instead, our focus at Hill Family Chiropractic is to determine the root cause of your headaches.

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In our experience, there are three main factors to consider:

  • Postural or Structural Problems
  • Structural Neurological or Function Issues
  • Biochemical Imbalances

For instance, if someone’s posture is off, such as their head leaning forward or a shift in the neck and shoulders, it can cause muscle tension that impacts the nerves controlling the head and neck, leading to headaches.

Another thing to look at is structural or neurological damage. If you’ve been in a car accident, had ligament damage, or even experienced issues during childhood that impacted your spine and ligaments, it could affect the nerves that control your neck and head, causing headaches. We also look at biochemical imbalances, including nutritional deficiencies, toxins in the body, or hormonal imbalances.

How Our Headache Care Plan Works

You Can Be Stronger

Discover the root cause of your health problems. Get the best path and plan to heal, repair and allow your body to adapt as it was designed to do.

You Can Be Healthier

Correct the cause, leading to better function. Therapy exercises, nutrition, and fitness coaching will help you take control of your overall health.

You Can Be Happier

Whether being able to begin exercising, to competing at your highest potential, no dream is too big or small. Achieve your goals and live your best life!

How We Treat Headaches In Branson, MO

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Once we identify the underlying issue, we can develop a personalized plan to restore balance and structure in your body. This will help you handle day-to-day stress better and, ultimately, alleviate headaches. If you need help with this, we at Hill Family Chiropractic are passionate about getting to the root cause, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Headache Treatment Near Me in Branson, MO. Chiropractic Examination For Headache Relief.

Specific Chiropractic Care | Branson, MO

Once a subluxation is identified, we make specific adjustments to restore proper function and alignment of the spine. When the spine moves healthily, it decreases inflammation around those nerves, allowing them to function better. These nerves not only impact your organs and glands but also control your arm and hands, up into the head and neck, making it common to cause headaches.

Spinal Decompression and Laser Therapy | Branson, MO

Long-standing issues, however, can cause degeneration or arthritis in the spine, requiring additional treatments like decompression and laser therapy. Decompression therapy helps take pressure off the nerves, allowing signals to get through from the brain to the body, heal and repair tissue, and relieve headaches. Laser therapy decreases inflammation around the nerves and breaks up fibrotic and scar tissue, promoting long-term correction.

At Hill Family Chiropractic, we use advanced scanning technology to evaluate the health of the nerves and identify the root cause of the problem. If you’re constantly experiencing recurring headaches, a detailed exam to ascertain the health of your structure and nervous system function may be the key to resolving the issue.

Posture Correction and Headache Relief Exercises

Ever wonder how posture affects your health? It’s fascinating to understand that something as basic as a head-forward posture or a twist in your body can lead to tension and stress in the muscles around the spine. This tension can tug and pull on the nerves, causing inflammation and even headaches. These strains can result from car accidents, sports injuries, or even childhood incidents that build up over time, leading to chronic issues.

One of the most common headache triggers is our daily activities, including work, sleep, and hobbies. With more and more people using computers, ‘tech neck’ has become a real problem, causing the head and body to move forward. This posture leads to internal rotation of the body, creating muscle tension between the shoulder blades, leading to inflammation and headaches.

One solution is massage. It’s a fantastic way to release some of the lactic acid and tension that builds up in the muscles. Techniques such as trigger point therapy and Active Release Technique can offer significant relief. However, they only provide temporary relief and do not address the root cause of the problem.

That’s why it’s crucial to start changing your ergonomics and incorporating some exercises into your routine. For instance, the posterior translation exercise can help with head-forward posture. Interlock your fingers behind your head and push your head back against your hands. This exercise strengthens the muscles and brings the head back. Another exercise, called Brugger, addresses the head-forward posture and the hunchback. Rotate your arms back, push the chest forward and up, and squeeze the muscles in your back.

These exercises can certainly help, but if you’re still experiencing headaches, you may need a more in-depth evaluation. You may have a spinal imbalance that needs to be addressed to restore proper nerve flow and function. Remember, you’re stronger, healthier, and happier with Hill Family Chiropractic.

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Common Causes of Headaches in Branson, MO

Headache Treatment Near Me in Branson, MO. Chiropractic Care For Headache Relief.

Spinal Structural Damage

Structural damage due to car accidents, slips, falls, sports injuries, or even repetitive movements like desk work can negatively impact your spine, causing headaches and migraines. This damage can cause the spine to shift out of alignment and irritate your nerves, leading to inflammation. This condition is called a subluxation.


Biochemical imbalances in your body could be linked to your frequent headaches. Commonly known as hormonal or toxicity headaches, these occur due to deficiencies or toxicities that eventually affect our hormone levels. Factors such as stress, cortisol levels, chronic infections, and blood sugar regulation can all be affected, leading to a range of health issues, including stubborn weight loss, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and, of course, those relentless headaches.

The first step in tackling these toxicity headaches is identifying the root cause. This might involve a metabolic panel, saliva tests, or blood sugar tests. The aim is to understand the underlying issues and then focus on prevention. It’s not enough to simply treat the symptoms; we must address the cause.

One way to prevent these headaches is to limit exposure to environmental stressors. While we can’t entirely avoid them—the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat all contain a level of toxicity— we can certainly try to reduce our level of exposure. Periodic natural detoxes can also help flush out these toxins from our bodies before they accumulate and create an imbalance.

Incorporating a balanced diet into your daily routine is also crucial. Eating fresh, organic, and minimally processed foods, especially fruits and vegetables, can help maintain your blood sugar levels and provide the essential nutrients your body needs to cope with daily stress. Don’t forget the importance of rest and hydration, too. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins, and getting enough sleep allows your body to rejuvenate.

Lastly, remember the benefits of regular exercise. Not only does it help detoxify your body and eliminate toxins, but it also prevents the buildup of visceral fat, which can lead to complications and further imbalances. If you’re already following a healthy lifestyle but are still experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Remember, a balanced nutritional lifestyle can be your key to preventing headaches and leading a healthier and happier life.

If you’re struggling with persistent headaches and suspect a biochemical or hormonal imbalance, we at Hill Family Chiropractic are here to help. We offer comprehensive analysis and treatment plans tailored to your individual needs. Don’t let headaches keep you from being Stronger, Healthier, and Happier!

Check Out Our Location Near You

171 S. Payne Stewart Drive, Suite 100
Branson, MO 65616

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a chiropractor in Branson, MO, good for headaches?

Chiropractic care is an excellent natural, noninvasive way to get rid of headaches. Our goal is to identify and correct the root cause of your headaches for long-term relief.

When should you see a chiropractor for headaches?

Headaches are common, but they are not normal. They are a sign of dysfunction within our bodies, and it is critical to assess the situation right away to avoid allowing the problem to worsen.

Is a massage or chiropractic better for headaches?

Massage can be valuable in relieving muscle tension, but it is only a temporary headache solution. Chiropractic care will address the root cause of the issue to ensure that your headaches decrease in frequency and severity.

How can I relieve my headaches?

That depends on what is causing your headaches. Over-the-counter pain relievers may temporarily numb the pain, but our goal is to identify and correct the root cause of the problem for long-term headache relief. We will tailor your care plan to the specifics of your headaches.

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