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New Hill Family Chiropractic Patients

New Patient Special Offer for Chiropractic Care at Hill Family Chiropractic Near You in Branson, MO.

Welcome New Patients!

A few important notes before your appointment.

1. Our office is a cash practice, this means we do not bill insurance. Some patients who are under 65 (see below for more information) have success getting reimbursement from their insurance companies but all services in our office are paid out of pocket.

2. Our New Patient exam is 90 minutes long. During this visit you’ll receive a detail scan of your nervous system, posture consultation with the Doctor and a spinal exam. If the doctor recommends getting x-rays, those will be an additional $45 per view. Our adjustments are $65. We schedule your first adjustment on the second visit so the doctors can analyze your underlying issue and the proper adjustment to fit your specific needs.

3. Our New Patient spots are extremely limited. If you don’t believe you can make it to your appointment, please let our office know as soon as possible so that we can reschedule your exam.

If you need help, call us at 417-339-3978.

Click below to download New Patient Paperwork and fill it out prior to your appointment.

$65 Initial Evaluation

(Reg. $130.00)

Includes: a consultation, advanced postural pictures, nervous system scans, and a spinal exam.

*Only for new patients

*Mention when calling to redeem.

More Information About Insurance

We care for YOU not an insurance company

Hill Family Chiropractic is a Cash Practice, this means we do not bill any insurance companies inside our office. Our Care Recommendations not being limited by insurance coverage and maximums allows HFC to maintain our vision of designing each patient’s care to specifically meet their needs. This is how we continue to see patients become stronger, healthier, and happier. This assures that our doctors are caring for you, the patient, not for an insurance company.

Reumbursement is possible, but not guaranteed.

Some patients have success submitting forms to their insurance company for reimbursement. We provide documentation with the required coding for patients to submit this paperwork. These forms are called superbills and they are available to all patients under the age of 65*. Just ask one of our team members at the front desk.

*See the Medicare tab for more information.

Medicare and Supplemental Insurances do not cover or reimburse for care at HFC.

Medicare does not pay for the services we provide in our office, including our adjustments, new patient exam, scans, and x-rays. Requests for payment are denied by Medicare because our services are wellness based and preventative.

Patients aged 65 and over will be asked to initial an Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-Coverage form that we will provide. This form notifies you of Medicare’s non-coverage of the services in our office, and your initials indicate that you understand that a superbill will not be provided, and all costs will be out of pocket.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance

Supplemental insurance companies require a denial from Medicare in order to process and pay for or reimburse for payment of care. This means that receipt of patient care will have to be submitted to Medicare first. Our office will not provide a Superbill for submission to supplemental insurance due to potential legal ramifications.

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Best Chiropractor Near Me in Branson, MO. Hill Family Chiropractic.